I am a strong advocate for travel insurance. I have seen too many people encounter emergencies while on vacation, that ended up costing thousands of dollars. These same travelers would have most likely incurred minimal or possibly no expenses had they purchased travel insurance in advance of travel.
There are many companies out there that offer travel insurance; Travel Insured, Travel Guard and Travel Safe are some examples. When I travel, I rely on Travel Insured’s policy. There are different levels of coverage. The most common policy will cover you for medical emergencies involving you, your traveling companion, a business partner or immediate family member. With Travel insured, if you purchase your policy within 21 days of your trip deposit, you will even be covered for pre-existing conditions. I cannot stress enough the importance of the pre-existing conditions coverage! They will also cover things such as travel delay, loss or delay of luggage, emergency evacuation, etc.
You may also purchase a policy that covers cancellation of your trip for ANY REASON. Obviously, the “cancel for any reason” policies are more expensive. Travel insurance rates are based on the cost of the trip being covered, the traveler’s age and the level of coverage offered by the specific policy.
Travel insurance coverage is only valid for the duration of your trip. If you experience an accident or injury while traveling, it is important to seek medical treatment, while still traveling. Once you return home, even though the injury occurred during your trip, the travel insurance no longer applies. At this point, you would be under the coverage of your regular health insurance policy.
Be sure to carry a copy of your insurance policy with you that lists the specific policy confirmation number.
Note: This is general information about travel insurance. Always be sure to review the coverage of the any policy prior to purchase.
For more information or to purchase travel insurance contact me at Pam@PamsPassport.com