
Foreign Currency Exchange

Foreign Currency Exchange When traveling to a foreign country, when and where should you exchange your currency for theirs?  For those living in a city that has a foreign exchange bureau, you may consider getting some money in advance, perhaps $200.00 or so, depending on the length of your visit. 

What are Nachos?

What are nachos?  Let’s start with the technical definition….. Merriam Webster definition of nacho(s):  Nacho (plural nachos): a tortilla chip topped with melted cheese and often additional savory toppings (such as hot peppers or refried beans) Nachos can consist of many different ingredients.  For now, I want to focus on

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin!

Regardless of our ethnic heritage, Americans seem to embrace the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. You may choose to celebrate with the wearing o’ the green or with the drinking ‘o the green beer at a local establishment. Two of the largest St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in the world actually

Travel Insurance

I am a strong advocate for travel insurance. I have seen too many people encounter emergencies while on vacation, that ended up costing thousands of dollars. These same travelers would have most likely incurred minimal or possibly no expenses had they purchased travel insurance in advance of travel. There are